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CCI4TOURISM supports Cultural and Creative industries (CCIs) as key players for the implementation of cultural tourism-related policies and for improving tourism offering. CCI4TOURISM will boost entrepreneurship within CCIs by increasing skills and competences of operators, set up a network of Creative Hubs with the aim of improving heritage’s valorisation and digital technologies.

Project title: Strengthen entrepreneurial skills of Cultural and Creative Industries for the valorization of cultural heritage and the development of sustainable tourism models in the Adriatic-Ionian region
Programme Priority 2) Sustanaible Region
Specific Objective: Promote the sustainable valorisation and preservation of natural and cultural heritage as growth assests in the Adriatic - ionian area

Project acronym: CCI4TOURISM

Source of funding: INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme 2014-2020

Project start: from 01.02.2020 to 31.07.2022



1.    Tecnopolis Science and Technology Park, Italy
2.    Zadar County Rural Development Agency, Croatia
3.    Friuli Innovazione Research and Technology Transfer, Italy
4.    Business and Cultural Development Centre, Greece
5.    RDA Green Karst Ltd., Slovenia
6.    Development agency Sora, Slovenia
7.    European Affairs Fund of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia
8.    City Development Agency Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
9.    IRI CENTAR d.o.o., Croatia




TECNOPOLIS Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico - Società consortile a responsabilità limitata unipersonale
Sede Legale: Str. P.le per Casamassima, km. 3 -70010 Valenzano (BA) - Italy -Tel:+39-080.4670663-Fax:+39-080.4670383
Cap. Soc. Euro 20.000 i.v. - Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 06848450729, n. R.E.A. Bari 514064
parco@tno.it - parcotecnopolis@PEC.tecnopolispst.it

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